16 topics found with this keyword
Felt brooches are a great accessory for all seasons, and during the cold season they seem even more beautiful. Wool lumps of emotion that you can carry with you, filling a frosty day with a warm cozy mood... I suggest you create your favorite brooch for yourself, so that your winter becomes ...
To dump a beautiful toy, it is not necessary to make her big kind eyes, a cute smile and cute dress up. Sometimes the simplest features make the toy more magical and at the same time alive.So it turns out that wool felting is done by women, however, and among men there are masters in this type of ...
Chinese craftswoman Yinyue Duzii creates toys made of felt and textiles. The most popular of her works were people-fly agarics: dressed up in strict old costumes, these characters with a mushroom hat instead of a head do not leave the audience indifferent. The needlewoman has many fans around the ...
How often, surfing through the Internet, we see unexpected things that make us stop and look more closely? Apparently, the creative potential of a person is inexhaustible and has long been not limited to the usual artistic visual tools, and mixes of one with another give rise to very ...
Owners of fluffy pets are constantly struggling with their fur, which hovers absolutely everywhere and never disappears. Japanese photographer Ryo Yamazaki together with his wife Hiromi decided to use this opportunity for felting hats for their cats .
Wonderful Scottish fold ...
In my opinion, watching kittens and cute toys is the best antistress :)
Behind the nickname Little Wool Tails hides a craftswoman from Thailand Benjawan Ruanfaigad. Unfortunately, I could not find any information about the artist herself. But one thing I know for sure: ...
I love birds! I even have a special app on my phone so that when I meet an unknown bird I could quickly specify the size, color and place and discover what bird is in front of me. Therefore, I always admire artists-"ornithologists", who create birds from polymer clay, ...
Korean artist So Sokhan loves her dog so much that she is not ready to part with it for a second. So she made a brooch in the form of its neb to always remind of the dog.
The jewelry piece impressed colleagues so much that they bombarded the artist with requests to make ...
Recently I has been fond of drawings on felted boots. How I do it is in this video.
Enjoy the watching!
Eve Teras started felting about seven years ago. At first, she made simple chicks and rabbits, then Eve came to more serious woollen sculptures — polar owls, crows, portraits of animals. Sources of inspiration for Eve are beautiful landscapes and fluffy animals, most of her works are different dog ...
Alexandra Voronkova is an artist from Moscow. Her workshop is a real shop of miracles, where designer dolls, numerous drawings and books, brushes, paints, tools live... and amazing felted animals, as if descended from the pages of the book of fairy tales. If you, like me, are eager to bring a little ...
Japanese needlewoman with the nickname ginnotebukuro managed to do the impossible — to capture the very embodiment of the cat's nature. Mischief, innocent look, businesslike manner in addition to touching defenselessness of these furry pets are easily readable in each felted sculpture. We, the ...