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Loft style

6 topics found with this keyword
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Materials: cement, sand, water, PVA glue, acrylic paint. Loft style is becoming more and more popular, so I suggest you make a stylish vase of concrete with your own hands. It will be a perfect decoration for your garden.It is necessary to mix 3 parts of cement and 1 part of sand, add water and ...
Engraving imitation on cardboard is a technique that allows you to get quite textured prints without making efforts and specialized equipment. You do not need any machines, only a few sheets of paper or cardboard, black acrylic paint and a roller.  The main thing to remember is that an ...
It was a very long and quite ambitious project. It all started with the idea of creating a handmsde desk lamp. It was a necessity. However, I did not want to make something ordinary, typical, like everybody has, and of usual materials. Therefore, design magazines and the Internet have become my true ...
 Clock is one of the best ways to decorate your wall — beautiful and functional. Clock in Loft style may complement any interior perfectly. They are distinguished by brutality, roughness of appearance, simplicity of forms, minimalism in design. This clock ...
Loft is one of the most popular styles nowadays. Modern designers say it is implemented anywhere. Why not realize it on a balcony? The main thing here is to competently combine modern technologies, materials and your requirements — think about the functions your space could provide, divide it into ...
I represent you a simple and low budget tutorial in concrete casting. You can use this technique to create decorative figurines for further decoration, decoupage and painting. Concrete withstands any temperature and can be applied outside. You need the following materials: decorative boxes for ...

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