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Packaging for soap

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Bags for gifts, seeds, herbs can be easily and quickly made from a rectangular sheet of paper without glue and scissors. You get a bag with the clasp, and do not need to look for ribbons or other things to close them. Bags can be made of any desired size and shape: higher, wider, narrower, lower. ...
Today we want to show you a simple tutorial on how to make a handmade box. This box will serve as a package and as a great decoration for the house as well, where you can store different things. To make the box, you will need: - cardboard tube (bush) with a 4 mm wide wall; - glue gun; - scissors (to ...
It's no secret that all is judged by appearance! Therefore, we are often faced with the problem "how to wrap a gift to make it perfect". And one's struck by a block here... So I decided to share with you my collection of different exciting and simple ideas of packages. Thanks to ...

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