For kids
4 topics found with this keyword
I want to share the process of sewing a warming pad with cherry seeds.
I use the following materials and tools:
decorative cotton braid:
padding polyester:
sewing and embroidery threads:
needles, scissors, cloth cutting knife:
mat for cutting:
rulers, pencil:
tools for turning out small ...
We will need:
a pattern;
fabric for the romper and the ears;
white fleece;
padding polyester or hollow fiber;
for decoration: cotton lace, satin ribbons, semicircle beads and so on;
a needle, thread, scissors, a pencil, glue;
plastic buttons (for attaching the arms);
a plastic nose (not necessary). ...
Materials and Tools
elastic lace
half beads
instant Moment glue (transparent)
tailor's marker Ii don't specify the size of the templates as it is different for each age.
Well, all the parts are ready — now start decorating the flowers.
If anyone ...
I'm an artist, have been working with children of different age for 5 years. This DIY would be interesting even for children 8-13 years, too. Let's start our creative lesson!
You need:
1. Cardboard (take a shoes box, but see that it was not glossy and with pictures)
Cardboard should not ...