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Folk doll

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Krupenichka used to be created immediately after harvest. Its task was to keep the best grain until the next planting season. But there is another deeper meaning: to preserve and enhance all what is valued in a family. Take all you see in the picture below: - white cotton fabric (25 x 65 cm) - red ...
There are many fairy-tales in Russian folk tradition. And I thought, maybe there is one about a matryoshka doll? The tale is short in telling, but the deed is long in doing. So, let's make a felt fairy-tale doll. I'm an experienced puppet-maker but made this doll... for the first time.  So ...
Materials  - several types of coloured fabric (I used 4) - shred of white cloth - cotton thread - piece of cotton wool The bell-shaped doll is an amulet. I know that she is a protectress of travellers, the doll of good news. Its face is not depicted so that evil spirits could not possess it, no ...
I want to show you how you can quickly make a Christmas toy — the symbol of the year, without a needle. Children also can easily cope with this work. Our grandmother, or rather great-grandmother used this technique to make toys. Long ago, each country house had a rag toy. So, materials - red ...
15.11.2016 16:41  |  
Ryabinka (rowan tree) is one of the most beloved folk dolls. She captivates with her femininity, sincerity and some invisible force. Much is said about the meaning and denotation of this doll, but each needlewoman makes it unique, different from others, and it's great! Because there are no ...

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