35 topics found with this keyword
Watercolors always look very lively, bright and delicate. Even scattered blotches on paper can create a unique still life, landscape or portrait. You might think that to work in such a sweeping technique, you need quite large formats, but German artist Frank Holzenburg proves the opposite with his ...
The theme of ecology and returning to nature is gaining popularity. People are more conscious about choosing the things that surround them. In the interior, many prefer wood and glass, and in clothing - cotton and linen. And some even dye fabrics themselves - of course, also with natural pigments.
Framing a drawing in the Boho style
Nature is an integral part of our life. In urban apartments you especially acutely feel the lack of life-giving power of the forest, mountains, invigorating wind, running water. For someone boho is a fashion that will be replaced by the next trend, and for someone ...
What do you associate confectionery, and especially cakes with? I immediately think about the festive dinner, fragrant tea and my close circle. Cake cannot but cause pleasant memories, whether it's a birthday, anniversary, wedding anniversary or corporate.
On the Internet, you can find hundreds ...
What are imagination and fantasy of a human capable of! Earlier, all the materials and tools were not so easy to find and buy, now you can create directly on your computer and share your achievements on the Internet.
21-year-old artist Ronald Ong from Malaysia chose this way. He turns ...
Rouba G El Murr is an amazing woman and fashion designer, telling stories through fashion collections. The artist graduated from Condé Nast British College of Fashion and Design and received a Vogue Fashion Certificate, and in 2015 she created her own brand Rouba.G.
The philosophy ...
I continue to introduce you to a selection of amazing insects made by human hands. Today I will show you a wonderful collection of insects by Okita Yumi.
Okita is Japanese by birth, but lives in North Carolina. She creates her masterpieces from fabric scraps, feathers, fur, wire, silk and threads. ...
Embroidery can be of different types. As in any other form of creativity, everything is limited by the flow of imagination of an artist, which brings him/her the most unusual ideas not only of the plot, but also of materials to bring the idea to life.
All of us have long been accustomed to the fact ...
Online sales have a wonderful technique to establish good relationships with a client — gifts. It is customary to add something nice, inexpensive, such as a keychain or chocolate to the main product. It is believed that the surprise as a thank you is remembered more than ...
Today we will draw a spring landscape with birches and last snow.
So, let`s proceed to etude:
As a basis, take sandpaper grit 1000 (water-resistant). Size 23x28 cm.You can buy it in large construction stores.Neutral shades of pastel pencils, light movements without pressure, plan your sketch.Do not ...
Today I want to introduce you the artist Mariko Kusumoto, creating extraordinary ephemeral jewellery.
Mariko, a Japanese woman, now lives and works in Massachusetts, the USA. Her works can be seen in the permanent collections of the Boston Musum of Fine Arts, the Swiss National Museum, the ...
Every year, the SkyPixel Contest Committee receives thousands of aerial photographs taken with drones. Requirements to the photos are the following: a single picture taken by the camera drone, the image size of at least 3 MB and resolution of at least 300 dpi. Participants compete in ...