Art doll
5 topics found with this keyword
Japanese artist Maki Hino was born on may 4 on the evening of the full moon in Nagano Prefecture (Japan). Lives and works there. Maki started drawing paper dolls from early childhood. In 1993, she became interested in articulated dolls, and in 1997 decided that she would be engaged in dolls ...
Legends say that a great power is hidden in the tails of Kitsune. The older the spirit, the wiser it is.
In this video, you can watch the process of creating Seven kitsune tails. By the same principle, you can make 2, 3, 4 ....9 tails. :)
To make all the tails look the same, just take the pattern ...
Today, artistic pecularity of a designer doll is associated with many factors: traditional ideas about the doll and the desire of an artists to go beyond these ideas, features of the technology of creation, a combination of different composition solutions (one-figure, multi-figure and story ...
Most girls love to play with dolls! The age does not matter :) When I saw the works of the Filipino artist Noel Cruz, I gasped! Such artistry, such talent. Noel creates dolls that look just like real people. Thanks to the designer's skill, conventional toys look extraordinary similar to ...
Muscovite Anna Nazarenko creates truly unique toys: at first glance, I thought they were... at least weird. But something made me continue looking at these works, so in the end, I understood that I fell in love! After all, every little creature has a unique character and history. Let alone their ...