6 topics found with this keyword
You need any shelf with scalloped details and flowing shapes, carved decoration would be even better.
Materials anв tools:
sponges or sandpaper with different grain
metal and rubber spatula
coating for wood
nails, screws, Moment glue
acrylic paint, acrylic varnish, brushes, rollers, gloves
wooden ...
I had a couple of old dark metal wall lights.
But I needed light furniture to match the new design of my flat.
The way out was to paint them!
Materials I used:
acrylic paint
silver acrylic paint
First, cover the parts with screws to make them smooth.
Make white paint of the desired colour, I ...
Today I want to share with you the experience of creation a pendant of copper wire in the technique of wire wrap.
You need:
- wire of several diameters (2mm, 1mm, 1.2 mm, 0.2-0.3 mm for wrapping)
- cabochon (I had a dichroic glass)
- copper beads
- diagonal cutting pliers
- round-nose pliers
- ...
The DIY is simple, but supposes that you know certain techniques. For example, plastic printing. Though, lacquer printout can always be replaced by any other image available to you. Also some basic knowledge in polymer clay baking and wood brushing with firing are required.
What you need for this ...
Today I will talk about one of the easiest ways of colourful patina coating.
Firstly, I am not a jeweller and do not posess professional terminology, so I apologize in advance for inaccurate wordings.
Secondly, it is difficult to make what I will tell you about straight away, without the necessary ...
It is time to decorate my Gnezdovye (Nesting-place). In the nearest future I will be actively engaged in interior decorating and share my ideas with you. Today I will tell how I painted bedside tables, a wardrobe, a table and my grandmother's chest.
You need:
Wood paint, I took ...