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Fly agaric

3 topics found with this keyword
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Chinese craftswoman Yinyue Duzii creates toys made of felt and textiles. The most popular of her works were people-fly agarics: dressed up in strict old costumes, these characters with a mushroom hat instead of a head do not leave the audience indifferent. The needlewoman has many fans around the ...
Today let's make fly agarics.   Necessary materials and tools: chipboard (I have 1.5 mm); thin cardboard (I have a pack of tea); PVA glue; thread; wire; acrylic paint; scissors; brush; sponge; mini drill (awl); pencil; nail file (sandpaper).      ...
Paige Ashleigh lives and works in Warwickshire County, the UK. Her work is literally imbued with the spirit of magic, and the girl declares her love for the chosen form of art — needlepointing — constantly. The artist may only embroiders or combines needlepinting with watercolor ...

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