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Vintage brooch

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I liked this collection so much! ALL of it! Even the smallest details. I offer you, dear readers, to plunge into the world of ethnics and modernity, into the world full of mysterious sounds and phenomena, into the world of fire and wind, into the world of Dior fashion... 29 April 2019. Luxurious El ...
This publication presents a selection of photographs of pieces of jewelry in the Art Nouveau style of the late 19th and the early 20th centuries, with enamels and pearls. The more you see beauty, the more your taste and perception of harmony are honed. That's why we go to museums, theatres, ...
Chatelain is known in France as an owner of a feudal castle, and in England — just a castellan, a steward, a business manager and a chief steward, and a new name of an object appeared. In practice, it has been known since ancient times as a substitute for pockets, handbags and man purses. Wikipedia ...
The question is rhetorical. Everyone decides for himself whether to look peculiar or disappear in the crowd. Everyone chooses his style of clothes, behaviour, communication and attitude towards life. The style is a marker that helps people to read our essence, to have at least a rough idea of what ...
The world of vintage jewelry is very rich. It's like a whole planet with a lot of people of different ages (mostly elderly and very elderly) and nationalities. A special place is occupied by Austrian fruit and berries brooches and clip earrings produced in the '40s and '50s. In almost ...

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