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2 topics found with this keyword
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From old to new, from useless to useful, this idea formed the basis of upcycling. Nowadays, it is hard to surprise someone in Europe with upcycling. It is very popular and developed. In many cities, there are stores where you can buy designer remade shoes, clothes and various household items, ...
27.01.2019 18:07  |  
Today we will sew a beautiful flax bow tie.We will need the following: flax; sewing machine; threads; scissors; cardboard; ruler. 1) Cut out 2 fabric parts of 21cm x 20 cm size, cut out cardboard pattern of 6,5 cm x 12 cm and 5,5 cm x 10 cm sizes for ironing. Cut the tape 70 cm long and a 4 cm ...

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