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DIYs & Tutorials with slip

3 publications with this material found
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Dear friends! I want to show you how I made the Blue Horse. The Horse in a Coat is a character from a Russian folk proverb. People use it as an answer to irritating questions like 'Who was there?', or 'Who did it?' — 'A horse in a coat'. In Russian, it sounds to rhyme. ...
This hare may serve as a great souvenir and a developing project for kids, an interior decoration. See the materials and tools you need below: 1. Start. First, take a small piece of clay and place it on any sturdy fabric 2. Roll it up to 5 mm thickness: 3. Give it a texture: 4. Make a circle: ...
I love monstera for its decorative shape. The DIY is simple and is good for amatuer potters and beginners. Before you start, stock up with clay and find or rent a stove. Read or clarify the burn-in temperature, the temperature of clay and glazes firing should match or be very similar. Part 1. ...

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