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DIYs & Tutorials with brush synthetic

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10.09.2018 18:26  |  
You need: Mat white ceramic tile. Water-based paint for ceramic. Primer. Alcohol. Brushes. Carbon paper. Sample image. Soft pencil. Cotton pad and cotton swabs. Oven. So, let's start. Degrease the surface: Transfer all important lines of an image: That's what you get: Start painting! ...
You need: 1. Synthetic brushes for fine details, they are soft, flexible, hold their shape well and have a 'predictable' dab. 2. Ordinary rectangular bristle brushes. 3 Goat and pony brushes. They create a smooth transfer between the patches of applied paint. 4. For large areas of paint: ...
This DIY is devoted to the restoration and decoration of wooden boxes. Equipment: work surface sandpaper coating putty knife rags primer acrylic paint сraquelure varnish bronze paste for grout acrylic contours acrylic varnish brushes: synthetic and bristle turpentine capacity for water and ...

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