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DIYs & Tutorials with sewing accessories

4 publications with this material found
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Welcome to all who are interested in my master class!  Straight to the point! Materials we will need: Body fabric (body or beige calico, thick cambric, not knitwear). Body fabric (white or colored, depending on the intended color scheme of the doll's clothing), preferably of the same ...
22.08.2018 10:46  |  
In China, the digit '8' brings good luck and prosperity. Once upon a time, my needlework teacher, who had lived some years in China, taught us how to sew a traditional Chinese pincushion — and now I want to show you the thing. Taking pictures took longer than sewing :) I took scraps of ...
So, you need: 1. Fabric 1.50 x 1.70 m (this, actually, depends on the length of the skirt). 2. Thread to match the fabric. 3. Scissors. 4. Pins. 5. Adhesive material. 6. 20 cm zipper 7. Crayon on fabric (I used washable markers, a very handy thing). 8. Trouser hook. 9. Sewing machine. Let's ...
Despite the fact that lady Di is not with us for 16 years, the interest to her personality is not quenched until now. Princess Diana will forever remain in the memory of the world a smiling, young, wise and stylish representative of the Royal family. She gave birth to the heir to the throne, William ...

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