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DIYs & Tutorials with the basis for embroidery

3 publications with this material found
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Today I publish my first master class. The event is a bit exciting because I'm showing my workflow. For me, this is a very intimate thing, and when I was a child in a theater workshop, I felt as if I was in a Museum or costume room alone at night, while not daring to touch anything, because ...
Today I publish my first DIY. It's a little exciting :) I'll show all stages of work on the example of creating brooches with Easter Bunny and a willow sprig. I want to say that I don't like souvenirs and trinkets that are never used so I prefer to give and receive gifts that can ...
In the process of working I faced with a fact that there are no tutorials on twining around square or rectangular cabochons. And decided to capture the process. It may be useful to someone. The tutorial is for those who already have some experience in bead embroidery. I weave a cabochon with mosaic ...

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