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DIYs & Tutorials with cotton swabs

5 publications with this material found
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Mushrooms grow mostly in the forest. Let us refute this statement, because starting from today they will be in our house and decorate the interior. Even a child can make a fabric mushroom. Of course, it all depends on the complexity of the work. I offer a simple tutorial on creating a fabric ...
10.09.2018 18:26  |  
You need: Mat white ceramic tile. Water-based paint for ceramic. Primer. Alcohol. Brushes. Carbon paper. Sample image. Soft pencil. Cotton pad and cotton swabs. Oven. So, let's start. Degrease the surface: Transfer all important lines of an image: That's what you get: Start painting! ...
You need: 1. Synthetic brushes for fine details, they are soft, flexible, hold their shape well and have a 'predictable' dab. 2. Ordinary rectangular bristle brushes. 3 Goat and pony brushes. They create a smooth transfer between the patches of applied paint. 4. For large areas of paint: ...
I would like to share with you a DIY on painting a cup. It will be easy and interesting :) At the end, you'll gain a pleasant experience and an original piece of craft. Let's start as soon as possible :) The work takes 3 - 5 hours depending on your patience.  You need: - a cup - ...
I represent to your attention a tutorial on creating miniature jars with mushrooms, when anyone can create a real piece of wood enclosed in a glass vessel. You need: FIMO Effect 8020-04 polymer clay (glowing in the dark with a fluorescent green) glass jar with cork, 37 x 16 mm modeling stick with a ...

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