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DIYs & Tutorials with elastic cotton

3 publications with this material found
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I invite everyone to create an autumn bracelet! Autumn is my favorite season! A splash of colours, majestic fading, memories of summer and preparing for the New Year :) Love all of autumn colours, especially sun-bleached... To make the piece of jewelry, you need: 1. Fusible webbing.2. Silk for the ...
This master class will help to decorate any jewelry. For the rosettes with a diameter of 4 cm you need - a strip of fabric 2,3 cm x 47 cm - thread and needle - glue So, take the strip of cloth and bend diagonally the tip. In order to form the middle, roll the tip up to the place of bending ...
Today I publish my first DIY. It's a little exciting :) I'll show all stages of work on the example of creating brooches with Easter Bunny and a willow sprig. I want to say that I don't like souvenirs and trinkets that are never used so I prefer to give and receive gifts that can ...

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