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DIYs & Tutorials with contours for textile

3 publications with this material found
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I have a habit of adding new features to ordinary things. Once, I decided to decorate a standard laptop bag and took: paints and contours for textile of mostly metallic colours I drew a pattern with a piece of soap and began to draw following my imagination: The process... When the contours ...
Sewing gingerbread toys has become my Christmas tradition. Today I want to share with you a recipie of manufacturing a cute symbol of the New Year 2018 — a sweet puppy. Prepare all necessary materials: white cloth polyester batting acrylic paint, white and brown oil paint, brown white fabric ...
I represent to your attention an easy tutorial on "how to make something of nothing" :) As we all know, one can buy special outliners of all conceivable colours in handicraft shops. They are suitable for all surfaces and you can use them to decorate anything you want. I use such outliners ...

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