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DIYs & Tutorials with foam ball

4 publications with this material found
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02.10.2019 11:56  |  
Finally, I made another detailed tutorial and it is dedicated to the pumpkin-pot. Due to the constant creative need for different containers for products, the idea was born to create a pumpkin and use it as a pot (let's call it so). Get ready for the fact that modeling requires a lot of time, ...
Today I want to show you how I make fruit compositions. I hope my tutorial will be useful. You will need: many artificial fruits; many artificial vegetables; greenery; ceramic pots; toothpicks; corelius branches; foam ball with 150 mm diameter;  gypsum; glue. Step 1. Take the foam ball and fix ...
Watch the video about 2 ideas of Christmas decorations, which can be simply made by hand. Christmas crafts are fun and interesting. New Year will come soon and now it's time to make Christmas decorations. To make Christmas decorations you will need:• A foam ball.• Thin cardboard.• Pumpkin seeds ...
I would like to share a wonderful DIY on the eve of the New Year — how to make a Christmas ball!You need: - pins- cloth- foam ball- scissors- pencil- knife- tape- decorative cord Japanese masters gave needlewomen from all over the world a lot of interesting techniques such as amigurumi, kanzashi, ...

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