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DIYs & Tutorials with backing cloth

2 publications with this material found
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With the help of this DIY you will learn how to sew a vanity-bag with a zip. So, you need: 1. Scraps of fabric 13*25 cm — 2 pcs, 10*25 cm — 1 piece (or a 34*25 cm cloth if you don't sew from pieces).2. Rep ribbon with a width of 22 mm — length 120 cm3. A piece of fabric for lining — 34*25 cm4. ...
How to insert an grommet in a leather item with a lining. I offer to your attention a tutorial on how to insert and use grommets. Hope it will be useful to someone. Besides the item itself, you need: - grommet - glue (Moment or rubber) - punch - hammer - fine bent screw driver I took two ...

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