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DIYs & Tutorials with structure paste

3 publications with this material found
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You need: - base paper, Stone Paper Stamperia - glue for decoupage, Mix Media Glue - rice paper for decoupage - paper for transfer - Stamperia Super-Transfer Concentrate  - spraying paint Aqua Color Stamperia - stamps and permanent stamp inks - Honeycomb background stencil  - white  ...
Today I will make a magical watering pot. Rather, the watering pot is ordinary, from IKEA, but the forest on it is surely magical. Remember the tale about Sleeping Beauty? Pricked by a spindle, she fell asleep, and the whole Kingdom with her — the King and Queen, castle, forest, court, birds, ...
I really like wooden backgrounds for photos. But an original wooden background requires much money or time. So I decided to experiment with container board, its grooves resembled old wooden boards somewhere in the country! So, you need a very simple set of materials and tools: - container board (I ...

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