DIYs & Tutorials with photo frame
6 publications with this material found
Engraving imitation on cardboard is a technique that allows you to get quite textured prints without making efforts and specialized equipment. You do not need any machines, only a few sheets of paper or cardboard, black acrylic paint and a roller.
The main thing to remember is that an ...
Let's transform a plastic photo frame and make it a vintage one. This frame without any decor does not suit the interior, and it is absolutely faceless, without mood... It is cheap and it is, so far, the only advantage. And now I'll show you how you can transform the frame in a very simple ...
We transform an ordinary plastic photo frame in a romantic lamp.This is a fabulous winter window with ice patterns on glass and a French balcony with flowers.
In this tutorial Natalia will share with you a unique technique of creating icy patterns on glass that you can use with any glass piece. A ...
Use painted and unpainted pasta of different shapes. Be creative!
photo frame
optional: tools for clay, toothpicks
1. Make a base:
2. Now invent a picture:
3. Press the pieces of pasta into clay:
4. You can paint:
5. And put the picture in the frame:
6. ...
I bring to your attention a tutorial on creating a poster to explore the names of colors and shades with your child. After all, there are tourmaline, pervenche colours....
My daughter Ulyana loves drawing and I bought a pink frame NITYA at IKEA and paper. Then I cut out circles of colored cards. ...
Recently I decided to buy professional needles for puppeteers: small and very large, smooth and curved. And while I was waiting for the package, I made an easy pincushion. It is hung on the wall over the working table — kids don't get there at the same time. It may come in handy for someone :) ...