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DIYs & Tutorials with waxed thread

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07.03.2019 14:09  |  
I want to share how I make handmade keychains of genuine leather. Such things may decorate car keys, a bunch of keys to various doors, and will also look great on both women's and men's handbags or purses. This idea — making keychains of genuine leather — came to my mind because of one ...
In this video I show how to sew eyes to a Teddy elephant. In order to sew the eyes of the elephant or any other animal you will need: - glass eyes on a loop of the appropriate diameter; - waxed thread; - a long needle for dolls, with the size that will allow easily piercing of the head of the toy ...
Step-by-step guide of making a leather flask. Cut out leather details (I used veg tan leather, thickness 3-3.2 mm). Since leather stretches, it is desirable to cut the part in one direction. Join the parts applying Moment glue around the edges (so that the glue did not go behind for the seam). ...

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