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DIYs & Tutorials with seashells

4 publications with this material found
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In this tutorial we will remind you how to use epoxy resin and once again prove that you can fill anything with it! That it is not difficult! That the result (if you follow the instructions) is always interesting and unusual! Many artists certainly have a treasured box with natural materials, now ...
Interesting decor idea of jute rope and shells. This handmade decor can be done in a few hours and decorate the wall or hang on the door. The idea is not new, but always relevant. You will need:* jute rope 10 meters;* jute twine;* piece of wallpaper;• corrugated cardboard;• hot glue and PVA glue;* ...
2 interesting ideas how to make a handmade organizer. Crafts with your own hands are always unique and develop imagination. The first organizer is a bit more complicated and consists of three sections, and the second one is simple, but also beautiful. To make an organizer you will need: plastic ...
I will be glad if my DIY is useful. In the age of a huge number of digital photos I want to offer a different presentation. In fact, all the fun is in simplicity though it may seem to be a surprise. I have no doubt that someone will say that natural textures of seashells are more beautiful and that ...

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