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DIYs & Tutorials with candy

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18.05.2019 12:30  |  
Such a gift will undoubtedly bring a storm of positive emotions! :) Getting a gift of your favorite sweets will make a person happy as in the childhood! Pleasant and memorable notes and postcards will add warmth to this cute gift! Besides, if a mug has decor of polymer clay, it's definitely a ...
To create such a flower, you need: candies crepe paper scissors sticky tape toothpicks Cut pieces of crepe paper 10 cm by as long as you need. Then cut into shorter pieces: And make fringe: Then twist the fringe. Get here are the strips with fringe. And wrap: Insert a toothpick inside and ...
I've been looking for a good tutorial on making gerberas of corrugated paper with a candy, but I didn't like the ideas and eventually got an idea to make my own tutorial. To create gerberas from corrugated paper, you need: - candy - corrugated paper - polypropylene tape or thread - skewer ...

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