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DIYs & Tutorials with wooden frame

3 publications with this material found
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It all started with a flash mob. "Flash mob is a pre-planned mass action in when a large group of people comes to a public place, performs pre-specified moves (scenario) and then goes away." In our case, flash mob is a simultaneous decoration of glass with leaves silhouettes. Conditions ...
15.02.2017 11:23  |  
Today I decided to share with you a DIY. This simple master class will be a pleasant pastime for creativity, and, I hope, the result will not disappoint you! Materials and tools: 1. Natural silk, size of about 25х70 cm. 2. Acrylic paint for silk. 3. Wooden frame. 4. Containers for water and ...
I love weaving: of beads, cords, threads. Found some frames without glass in the bins and wanted to make them applied and to weave, too. You need: wooden frame; flax (jute, paper) twine or knitting yarn; beads; PVA glue. A tree with bare branches Cut 15-20 pieces of twine (their number ...

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