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DIYs & Tutorials with mesh

7 publications with this material found
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The most disappointing thing about life is the monotonous daily routine, so we are always looking for new ideas and solutions. Interestingly, when making complex things seem simple, and vice versa, complicate the simplest. For this experiment, we'll need about 300 gram of merino wool roving, 70 ...
The bright colors leave us until next spring; heavy rains and winds sweeping away the last leaves from the trees. The clothes is dominated by restrained style, but we can create attractive things using a lot of shades of gray... Our today's lesson is dedicated to another method of attaching ...
The natural beauty and nature's wonders were always a source of inspiration for artists. For example, take the amazing process of turning a caterpillar into a butterfly – the caterpillar's body completely dissolves inside the chrysalis, and the butterfly's body is formed anew. This ...
The illusion is a perception of reality, and it can be implemented with the help of very ordinary things. For example, felt allows realizing the most unusual ideas. And here is a proof: today I reveal a little secret how to make a light tunic without a single seam or grommet. Materials and tools: ...
I want to show and tell in detail how to sew an evening dress and bolero for a doll with a height of 30 cm. You need: 1. Atlas. 2. Veiling. 3. Sewing machine. 4. Scissors. 5. Lace. 6. Bias satin binding. 7. Hard mesh for petticoat. 8. Thread. 9. Pearl cord. 10. Satin ribbon. 11. Lining. Cut out the ...
In this tutorial I want to show you where the feathers of small forest dragons come from) In general, the process of creating a dragon consists of three steps— dry felting of the body base, making feathers and felting these feathers to the dragon. The body of the dragon is just like the bodies of ...
30.11.2016 13:53  |  
I make many things, like wedding accessories or bouquetes. But today I want to share my experience of manufacturing homemade paper with you. Usually, homemade paper is very expensive. In this post I will tell you how to make it with your own hands. In Thailand, paper is manufactured of elephant ...

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