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DIYs & Tutorials with glue

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13.03.2020 16:08  |  
On the eve of Easter, everyone is stocking up on eggs, and my youngest daughter and I have come up with a way to make angels out of egg packaging. So, here's what you'll need: Egg packaging (we had one with rounded sides). Wooden beads (better with a hole, we had without it, but we ...
24.12.2019 17:15  |  
Today's topic is wintery, snowy, cold, but I promise the sun!  Tooling 1. Zac-zac wire cutters.2. Breaker.3. Glass cutter.4. "Crystal Moment" Glue, transparent for glass.5. Spectrum COE 96 glass.6. Ruler.7. Curve.8. Furnace for fusing. Take a sheet of paper, draw a circle ...

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