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DIYs & Tutorials with uv resin

3 publications with this material found
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  I want to tell and show you how to make these wonderful pendants with stabilized lavender in epoxy resin (jewelry resin). We will need: epoxy resin or UV resin; stabilized lavender (I bought it in a flower shop); white acrylic paint; UV lamp if you work with UV resin like me; metal base ...
18.03.2019 13:21  |  
Today I will tell you how to work with UV resin and contours for its filling.  To create a pendant, you will need: 1) contours for filling in crystals form; 2) UV resin; 3) color schemes (I use 3 colors: blue, green, red); 4) plastic mixing sticks (I have coffee sticks); 5) mixing tanks (suitable ...
Today I would like to share my experience in the Japanese technique of creating clouds in resin pendants. In this tutorial, I will talk about the steps leading to the best, in my opinion, result. So, to create such clouds the Japanese use a white a nag. It is very soft and when stretching, gives the ...

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