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DIYs & Tutorials with sisal

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16.12.2019 13:55  |  
Timbered houses are lost somewhere in the Alps,Hidden in these forest mystery, it is not available to us...The soul seeks to look inside all this beauty —I wish I could live there or fulfill my holiday duty! This quatrain was born in me at once as soon as the lights in the windows of the houses lit ...
We continue to create New Year's decor, namely we will make a car with a Christmas tree on the roof from an ordinary children's toy! We will make a Christmas decor from a plain children's toys, it turned out that it's really easy to make such a car! Such Christmas toys are sold ...
Very soon we will meet with the biggest family holiday — Christmas and the New Year. And what a New Year without a Christmas tree? A Christmas tree is a mandatory attribute of the holiday. But a Christmas tree without decor is not a Christmas tree. A tree without toys is not a tree. So today we will ...

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