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Tableware is a variety of cooking utensils without which it’s impossible to imagine daily life. The first vessels for storing, cooking and eating were made from clay, which was the most available and widespread material. Today the ancient samples of handmade tableware from porcelain, copper, clay, silver and gold are exhibited in museums all around the world and are considered true works of art. Kitchenware is not only a practical helper, but also reflects the culture of people: for example, traditional images on dishes of Provence convey the simplicity and comfort of rural life, and fantastic patterns on Gzhel dishes from the finest porcelain seem to be imbued with the spirit of Russian fairy tales.

Designer natural tableware is one of the most simple and effective objects creating a special atmosphere in your home: you won’t even know how some cute tableware glasses may turn every breakfast, lunch or dinner into a real family ceremony. Look in the catalog of tableware online shop on Livemaster and find an author who you would like to order a bowl for yourself or buy tableware like a tea set as a gift for nearest and dearest; comfort and happiness always live in the most ordinary things.