Leg warmers

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Gaiters and other types of leg warmers are appreciated by those who really like being saved from cold and want to be trendy at the same time. Gaiters were originally produced of leather or fabric in the 19th century and became an absolute fad in the 1980s among lovers of street fashion. The piece of clothes came from aerobic, and teenagers who watched films with its elements took note of it.

One of the type is crocheting gaiters, they are often used by sportsmen and dancers as a detail of sportswear when limbering up to keep muscles warm. Professional football players fix special protectors under gaiters to save legs from hits. Tourists use this item of clothing to prevent boots from ingress of water and dirt.

A great advantage of the item is that it can surely keep warmth and allows to wear skirts without being afraid of strong wind or heavy rain. This convenient accessory is sometimes worn at home providing a feeling of coziness, especially if these are crocheting gaiters made by true craftsmen.