The length of the bracelet is 17,5 cm (it is possible to change the size due to the extension chain). the size of the stones 7-11 mm.
Подробнее о товаре
A bracelet with an angelite on a rigid base.
Field - Ural.
The delicate angelite gem symbolizes peace of mind and inner peace. It serves as a good helper in finding yourself and focusing, creating a powerful protective field. It also creates a balance between the aura and the physical body. Angelite sharpens awareness, so it is chosen by fans of astral travel.
Despite its physical fragility, angelite shows strong magical qualities and harmony with the elements. According to legends and popular beliefs, the stone serves as a kind of means of communication between a person and his energy protector. Thanks to the mineral, it is possible to establish contact with the world of spirits, the guardian angel and other defenders of people.
Another property of aneglit is to promote the fulfillment of desires. The stone has a good memory for the owner's true dreams.
It is believed that the stone attracts good luck, good and positive energy. At the same time, angelite does not tolerate internal negativity – it should not be worn by openly aggressive and sincerely evil people, since the mineral will only aggravate a tense situation.
Angelit is shown to shy people. It helps you Express yourself in creativity, business, or communication. A person directly expresses his personal opinion, strives harder to achieve the goal.
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