The Triquetre value.
Since time immemorial, the Celtic knot has seen the harmony of life, the indivisibility and infinity of being, the unity of the spiritual and the material. The shamrock was considered a solar sign symbolizing the path of the day star in the firmament. Sunrise, zenith and sunset were compared with the stages of human life.
The solar symbol has long been used as a talisman. It was believed that the Celtic triangle gives determination, charges with confidence, attracts good luck, protects from the evil eye.
The buckles are made of sheet brass and aluminum .
Most of the parts are made by hand .
The buckle size is 2.4" in diameter.
The standard strap mount is 1.6" wide.
The pattern is applied deeply, so it doesn't even get close, from long-term use.
When ordering : specify which version of the buckle you have chosen (gray or yellow option)!