"To become the king of beasts, it is not enough to behave like a king, you have to be a king. There is no doubt. Doubts create chaos and lead you to ruin."
A lion can be called a recognized leader in life and in his nature, a real ruler of the world who strives to be the first in everything. He is smart, determined and perfectly in control of himself.
For such a noble image, the appropriate materials were chosen: bronze of two types. Suit made of alloy BrOF10-1, head, arms and tail made of bronze BRAZHNMC 9994. In his hand is a gilded ingot. Pedestal made of natural stone marble Nero Marquina.
The product is worked out to the smallest detail: an English classic suit in a cage, a ring on the little finger, Oxford shoes. Every detail of the master is brought to perfection manually.
An exclusive statuette will look great in any interior.
Weight: ~ 2.7 kg
height: 250 mm
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