Periodically, magnifying glasses break into my life
And I create small art objects that you can decorate yourself with, and use for their intended purpose.
Here I created my own pen with rainbow labrador and fluorite for the magnifying glass.
The metal can be silver 500 rubles. (if you do not use the application "goods" then just translate to 500 p. more indicating the type of silvering (black or white), if through the goods - then add the number of the corresponding number of products that need to be silvered. here is the silver link
Also, for each product there is a service - gift packaging.
It has the form of a craft box, wrapped with natural twine and sealed with wax.
There is also an option - a quick sketch (add another product packaging and write a comment "author's drawing").
Produced by black marker and/or black pen (as shown in the picture). Theme is determined by I and negative moods.
When you select a package with no explanation about the sketch - we put the stamp sealing wax.
The link below can see looks like gift wrap.
Thank you for your attention to my store!
Администрация Ярмарки Мастеров не гарантирует, что представленное изделие является ювелирным или другим изделием из драгоценных металлов и/или драгоценных камней. Пожалуйста, проконсультируйтесь с продавцом