Chrysolite insert circle, planting pavilion spike.
Dimensions: d8 mm (2Ct), D2 mm, d1,5 mm, d1,25 mm.
Price for one piece d8, 2 mm (1613,70 Ct) - 5 rubles., in the presence of 2 PCs.
Price per piece d42,90 mm 48 roubles, in stock 1,5 PCs.
Price per piece d37,40 mm 124 roubles, in stock 1,25 PCs.
Price for one piece d30,80, 4 mm rubles.
Specify the required size in the order.
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One of the oldest minerals known to man is chrysolite. The name of the mineral translates from Greek as "Golden stone". This transparent green-colored mineral with different shades has unique properties. Jewelers stone called peridot, and geologists – olivine. For their ability to change in artificial light to green, it is also called "evening emerald".
Chrysolite has long attracted people with its attractive power and charm. The first mention of it occurs in the %d%th Millennium BC. This semiprecious stone was also found in the composition of meteorites that fell to Earth.
The story goes that it was one of Cleopatra's favorite stones. By the way, for the first time this mineral began to produce in her homeland, Egypt. According to legend, peridot was mined at night, because it was believed that in sunlight it is impossible.