Boho bracelet is created on the color contrast of red and black colors
The bracelet is based on natural black agate 8,5 mm and a large(18h15 mm) beautiful bead of natural bright red coral.
=Bracelet on a double jewelry latex elastic band PRICE 970 rub
Agate is an unusual stone. it is a stone of clairvoyants. Agate CHARM. Helps to speak beautifully and convincingly. He gives health and longevity, strengthens the immune system .
Agatha protect him from the machinations of enemies.
Decoration unique, handmade, original work
In my store, the buyer pays 200 rubles for Mail in Russia. And the rest I pay extra: for the shipment, for the packaging (package, box, film), for the distance and excess weight (more than 100g).
This is my BONUS to the buyer.
For Moscow POST office (2-3 days) is also VALID - a good alternative to pickup ( saving time and transport costs)
Another work from the collection of "AGATE"
Another work from the collection "CORAL"
More bracelets here:
Still here "BLACK color - basis"
More ECO style and BOHO style here:
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