The new crest of our collection of Russian wooden combs is "Provence".
Cozy as a home, bright as the world of childhood and chaste as a jar of grandma's jam. It is thoroughly simple and strong. The comb is made of a massive piece of rare wood 200-year-old mulberry, covered with a light varnish and this literally shimmers with different deep shades of yellow. Such a tree in our time - a rarity, it grew in Russia.
We decorated the comb with a mosaic of small squares of Linden, which form a slender ornament and it seems that the patterns grew directly from the tree.
A small comb in the palm, convenient and compact, comb it nice and good for the hair because the natural wood static electricity, soothes hair and gives them joy because the hair is all feel and all around take heed and ought to care about them as friends.
We did the same, but-a solid yellow comb, without knots and zadorinok, in case when the soul so asks.
Hantoidokimo Design