Hairpin for hair of Russian oak inlaid with a real mosaic of polumillimetrovogo squares of cedar Linden (located with the flat side) and cedar (located in the mechanical side).
The hairpin is crowned with the symbol of the Sun and the flow of time - the rotifer. In this crest surprisingly "ancient" have legs. Fabulous four legs firmly closed and keep long hair and hair up to the shoulder.
The hairpin is durable, because its upper part is quite high and solid - so it is strong on the fracture, unlike carved through decors.
The surface of the barrette is matte, smooth, pleasant to the touch, covered with oil, and the Russian traditional ornament with elements of a CRIN (blooming plant) is covered with varnish.
Hairpin will serve as a good gift to the owners of the desired long hair to stab the beam, shell, different beautiful hairstyles. A gift to yourself, friend, mother, girlfriend.
Design manifested itself in Hantoidokimo
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