This bird flew from ancient times, when it was still a fairy tale and nature is alive as a mother was revered... She is kind, wise and homely. The bird of heaven is a touching, melodious and soaring creation. Always in Russia with a dream bird compared, because it is free, flies where he wants and the sun sings at dawn...became be grateful to bird and free.
The crest is made by masters of Russian oak wood. Smooth, durable, reliable. A great unforgettable gift to a woman, a loved one-handmade.
Decorated with a unique inlay-this miniature mosaic of wood collected in Russian patterns of half-millimeter squares pine (yellow) and Linden (white). Inlaid with wood covered with lacquer, and the entire array of oak comb-oil.
Comb perfectly combs long and short hair, it is pleasant to use.
On the back surface - author's label Hantoidokimo