Vashemu vnimaniyu flyaga farforovaya Prezident.
Flyaga nakhoditsya v knige-shkatulke «Noveyshaya istoriya», v kotoroy budet stoyat' v nadezhnom meste na knizhnoy polke.
Vasha sekretnaya zanachka poraduyet druzey v moment, kogda pora idti za "dobavkoy".
Pri zakaze ukazyvat' lichnost' i knigu, kotoryye Vy vybrali dlya podarka.
Podarok podoydet Rossiyanam i Gostyam Rossii.
Rabotayem s optovikami i roznitsey.
Your attention is a jar porcelain President.
The flask is in the book box “Recent History”, in which it will stand in a safe place on the bookshelf.
Your secret nest egg will delight your friends at the moment when it is time to go for the "supplement."
When ordering, indicate the identity and book that you have chosen for the gift.
The gift will suit Russians and Guests of Russia.
We work with wholesalers and retailers.