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I have been wanting for a long time to make a selection of interesting ideas for decorating a children's room. And on a hot summer day, I caught a cold and sat down to look for creative options online. Oh, how many things I found, now you can write articles for a whole year :) The result of ...
Dear girls! Long-awaited spring has come! Many want to make handmade gifts for friends, relatives, colleagues, acquaintances... There is nothing easier! Today I will tell you how to make a beautiful, truly ladies' gift, and not just one, but many! So, attention, today we will decorate a batch ...
I want to introduce you to amazing works by the artist Lim Eun-Hee from South Korea. I think that her situation is familiar to many artisans. Lim Eun-Hee spent years studying painting and art, she painted her paintings, but after she got married, she had to abandon the idea to rent a studio for ...
Joana Choumali is a professional photographer from Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire. Here's the absolutely charming woman — the author of unusual and beautiful projects: One of such projects is Resilients. Women wear usual clothes of Western cut and still remember their roots — and use traditional ...
I'm very fond of women's portraits that depict natural beauty practically without cosmetics, with real emotions and character features. Especially since I myself can "show off" a crooked nose, big ears and other nonstandards. :) Therefore, I could not pass by the works of this ...
Hello, dear friends! I wanted to tell a little about this technique of burning out, or pyrogravure and also show you the process of burning this pendant:   Excuse me for some dim photos.  1. Take a pendant from cedar, basswood or pine. They are easier to burn. The harder the wood, the harder ...

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