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Найдено 5 тем с этим ключевым словом
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"DIY: Ecoprint" You will need: flowers and leaves; fabric; parchment (baking paper); hammer :) Attention! In the process, children did not hurt anything as I gave all the instructions! Experiment with different fabrics: flannel, linen, cotton. The print will be different.This also ...
His paintings are warm, lively, and volume. Meet Reint Withaar, a Dutch artist, and his country coziness. Hasty city life sucks us into a crazy pace: you are to run somewhere all the time, you are to do something, hurry and hurry... How about we take a break for a minute? Let's stop in the ...
Since the time when "country" and "European village" fashion swept through the world and various jars, pots, all cooking utensils with sprigs of lavender, olive, rosemary, etc. were in sale, I fell in love (I am sure I was not alone) with this style in interior and clothing. ...
I want to sing of craftsmen. You can find many examples on the web, where their works exceed the limits of harmony. When you look at a carved, painted, decorated house, you can't look away. My heart rejoices and my soul begins to remember long-forgotten song of the ancestors. I'm sure that ...
You need: Dense chipboard - 2 sheets of A4 size Cotton fabric, 2 pieces 25x35 cm and a piece of cloth for curtains. Polyester 2 cuts of A4 size Felt Lace about 0.5 m Buttons, satin ribbon, thin lace Thick scrapbook paper + 1 sheet of cardboard White and brown embroidery floss and a needle 2 metal ...

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