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Interesting facts

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29.06.2019 10:52  |  
In my article I want to introduce you to a plaid kilt skirt. I had an opportunity to learn about this skirt at school, though it might not be an exact copy of a kilt, or was rather akin to it. In Soviet Union, when everything was in short supply, our mothers managed to buy checked fabric and sewed ...
I remembered my life in Moscow on Novy Arbat. An old house which was very beautiful from the outside and imbued with odors of communal apartments inside, pre-revolutionary, or as they say, historical. The center of the capital. Wide window sills, sitting on them you could look at the ruby stars of ...
Paul Gauguin. He is complex, ambiguous. Some consider him to be a genius, others do not understand his creations and personality. This article has no analysis of painting and thinking about his contribution to art. Here's a story about a man, about his values and weaknesses, his glory and ...
Many people think that colored pencils are a tool for children's creative activities. In this and subsequent publications I want to dispel this myth. We will focus on professional art pencils which can create real masterpieces in the hands of an artist. First, I propose to find out how art ...

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