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04.03.2020 13:35  |  
Tenango is a characteristic color embroidery on a plain canvas of the Otomi Indians who inhabit the Mexican state of Hidalgo. It is the hallmark of the entire country. The technology dates back to the 60s of the last century, when the region was hit by a terrible drought that destroyed a significant ...
We have all heard these funny stories about cats, without which "life is not the same" and "the heart is empty". Of course, no one will compete with cats. But personally, I think that snow-white sheep are wonderful alternative. You can find so much charm in these fluffy " ...
From old to new, from useless to useful, this idea formed the basis of upcycling. Nowadays, it is hard to surprise someone in Europe with upcycling. It is very popular and developed. In many cities, there are stores where you can buy designer remade shoes, clothes and various household items, ...

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