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Найдено 7 тем с этим ключевым словом
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Guo Pei is the most famous designer from China in Western fashion. The designer named her new spring/summer collection East Palace. 30 outfits demonstrate traditional stories, which blend harmoniously with bold details, rich embroidery and extravagant looks of the models. "East Palace is not ...
1. Preparation of materials, tools, and working place: Everybody chooses tools his/herself, someone needs separate tools for everything while somebody else uses only one needle. I use Fimo Professoinal polymer clay, you need the main color and a couple of additional ones, related to the main. Also, ...
15.05.2018 09:59  |  
You need: felt (green, yellow, white and black) Velcro tailor's marker for fabric thread and needle pencil scissors Transfer all details of the pattern on the felt.  Cut them out.   Sew the clinging Velcro to the base of a head: Sew the eyes and ears to the head: The nose, mouth and ...
Brian Kesinger is an American Illustrator and animator working at Walt Disney for more than 20 years. Born in a family of musicians, he was the only one who couldn't play a musical instrument. But seeing a craving to draw, his parents supported the boy. At the age of 18, Brian became the ...
Dragons became a part of my life since childhood, I read fantasy books, legends and fairy tales, then gathered figurines, paintings and sketches of dragons, joined a dragon community, met my husband there and gave birth to my daughter in the Year of the Dragon. So I am now a rightful Khaleesi... One ...
Amba Jacobs is a charming girl from New Zealand. Perhaps, it is the best place for creating fantastic animals. Inspired by the stunning nature of the island and the spirit of magic prevailing here (and I'm sure it couldn't be anywhere else in the world but in the land of hobbits), the ...
In this tutorial I want to show you where the feathers of small forest dragons come from) In general, the process of creating a dragon consists of three steps— dry felting of the body base, making feathers and felting these feathers to the dragon. The body of the dragon is just like the bodies of ...

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