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The world of handmade textile dolls has a rather wide classification, among which is a category of "primitive dolls". This is a kind of textile dolls, created upon the simplest patterns, without using complex technologies and without strict requirements for perfection. In colloquial speech ...
I love work of modern designers, who use things that we call garbage in everyday life :). You look at these creations and wonder HOW could these littter be turned into something like that?! Here is another finding — wonderful work by Lisa Kokin — American artist and designer. Quite by chance I found ...
A new thematic week "Ripe Strawberries" has begun. Today I want to tell you not about embroidery, though there are a lot of ripe strawberries in it, but about three wonderful artists, representatives of different generations, in whose paintings summer is unusually bright, juicy, tasty! The ...
This year my vacation in Canberra coincided with three interesting exhibitions. I want to share with you my impressions. The first exhibition I am going to talk about is devoted to the wonderful outfits of Dressmaker film characters, shot in Australia in 2015 (shown in Russia in 2016). This film is ...
I want to present to you the first article from a series that I want to start — a series of articles about artists who see the urban environment around us in their own way and explore it through their creativity. Here is the work of a very unusual artist, drawing very unusual landscapes. Cate ...
Today I will try to tell (those who are not familiar) about the Hawaiian artist John Al Hogue. The future artist began his career with the production of frames. At that time, he and his elder brother lived in Canada, and their work was initially not creative, it was related to oil. There the ...
The most beautiful French port is the port of Honfleur. Honfleur is located in the Normandy region, in the north-west of France. This is a small picturesque town, there are only 8 thousand dwellers, and in a few hours you can get around and see all its attractions. It is very different from the ...
An extraordinary artist Albini Leblanc was born in 1947 in Canada on Gaspe Peninsula. Albini Leblanc from an early age loved art and had creative inclinations, but became a teacher. For a long time, painting for Leblanc was a hobby. For the first time the artist showed his works at his ...
Today I want to devote my article to an awesome make up artist Luca Luce.  Luca began his career as an illustrator from his childhood. He uses his passion for makeup to make women confident and beautiful. Throughout his career, the artist has created make-ups in show business for important ...
Spring is in the city! It is still frosty, but drip-drop is furious and birds are crazy in the sun, twittering differently. I want to smile just like that, about nothing. Here is the article just like that, for you to smile. Brian Kesinger is an American illustrator. He has worked in Walt Disney ...
March 1 is not only arrival of long-awaited spring! But also an occasion once again to pet your can behind an ear, to treat it with a small fish. Today is a Cat Day in Russia! Clebrate it with wonderful cats on the works of talented artists and photographers. Endre Penovac. He is a Serbian artist, ...
15.02.2019 18:59  |  
Spring is the time to wake up from winter sleep. Everything comes to life, transforms, revives. It brings the joy of warmth and sun. It's a beautiful time of the year. It was glorified by poets. And, of course, it could not go unnoticed by both Russian and foreign artists. Let's look at ...

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