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Starry night

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Kaja lives in Wroclaw, Poland. She began to embroider just 2 years ago, it was necessary to train the wrist, tired after working at the computer. But gradually, embroidery became her main hobby and then it turned into a job. Kaja studied independently, by trial and error, through broken needles and ...
This winter, art illuminated the capital of the Netherlands for the seventh time: from the 29th of November to the 20th of January the historical centre of Amsterdam is the main platform of the major cultural event — Amsterdam Light Festival. This year's theme is the aphorism of the Canadian ...
It is a little late, but I decided to take part in the competition and at the same time complement the set of Christmas decorations with missing Christmas stars, in a word, to kill two birds with one stone. The set was almost finished, a box for storing was painted and I made Christmas decorations, ...

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