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Найдено 7 тем с этим ключевым словом
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Painting. Hearing this euphonious word, I immediately imagine a Renaissance artist in front of a huge canvas and a lot of sketches around him. However, time does not stand still, painting is not only for divine geniuses, so absolutely anyone can try this art form. American Teddi ...
I continue my series of portraits on Christmas balls devoted to Star Wars universe. This time I have chosen Darth Vader - Sith Lord. I performed it in the following stages: Primering Christmas ball — primer helps does not only secure the finished work on the Christmas ball but also allows to ...
"Cold frost and shine: day of wonder! " wrote the great Alexander Pushkin. You can't put it into words better. But you can paint such a day. Winter looks special in childhood. Snow-covered streets, houses, trees are seen as fabulous scenery. Even the bright sunlight plays with ...
Khara Ledonne, an artist from the United States, has a rich biography: after college, she moved to New York and worked in a wine bar, a school, a pizzeria and a restoration studio, she created signs for restaurants and museums. All this time, Khara was also painting inside of jewelry, and this part ...
You need: 1. Synthetic brushes for fine details, they are soft, flexible, hold their shape well and have a 'predictable' dab. 2. Ordinary rectangular bristle brushes. 3 Goat and pony brushes. They create a smooth transfer between the patches of applied paint. 4. For large areas of paint: ...
1. Sketch flowers in a composition. There are two options: do it right on the tray with chalk or drawing on tracing paper, then transfer. 2. Lay the first coat: sketch the composition with a flit-brush. 3. Here the most difficult begins. Overlay shadows with glazes (called tenezhka). And then lay ...
In the run-up to the wonderful holiday of New Year I would like to share with everyone the secret of painting in the technique of Old Masters. This tutorial is purposed for beginners, amateurs and even professionals. Perhaps, it will be curious to see the way I work, the technique I use for painting ...

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